Saturday, April 7, 2007

KLCC Omega: The Birth

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It was the year 1997 that marked the birth of the Leo Club of Kuala Lumpur City Centre Omega (KLCC Omega).

With the installation of the founding Board of Directors on 29th June 1997, this successful establishment was contributed predominantly to our founding members, majority which are ex-Youth Exchange students - a fact that remains true even until today.

Having gained vast experience, knowledge and cultural savoir-faire regarding the Youth Exchange programme and other countries through our own Youth Exchange adventures, we are well-equipped to assist the Lions Club of Malaysia in myriad ways to render the Youth Exchange Programme a success.

At the same time, we are gifted with the opportunity to learn and contribute towards the enrichment of the programme and our community - gaining a keen sense of responsibility, leadership and dedication amongst many other values of similar importance along the way.

With an aspiration to craft a legacy of dedicated service to the Youth Exchange programme, it has, and still is, our sincere hope to leave a lasting and meaningful memory to all the youths worldwide, both visiting students and fellow Malaysians, whose paths we have crossed and have formed bonds with.


Hengster said...

simply loving it

catsndogs said...

i'm so touch ...
and proud being KLCC family members :).. love u all