Yes, it's true.
After endless threats and torture, our official Leo Club of KLCC website is finally up!
*cues drumroll!*
A big thanks to our web wizard, Emmanuel who was so kind as to help us set it up (for FREE!). Okay, actually it was up since May but well, we know...we've sorely neglected our blog for EONS. *winces*
With the changing of Board of Directors, and most of us graduating to becoming workaholics in the society, we've been just so busy that no one actually had time to blog, much less check the blog e-mail. (>_<)
So, we sincerely apologise if you had sent e-mails to us, and never received a reply from us. We hope to never let this issue happen again, and will endeavour to check the e-mail as often as possible. *crosses fingers & toes*
Having said that, do drop by our official website if you're keen. We're still tweaking and scrounging for a funkier template that's blue, but not too blue, but still blue enough to reflect our club's official colour.
(Have we confused you enough? Lol.)
Anyway, with 5 months into the "new" fiscal year of 2009/2010, we hope to polish up everything tech-wise and turn our
So, we'll be trying to update both the blog, gallery, AND maintaining the official website - all at the same time. Heck, we'll even try to backtrack and post up our past projects for the last 2 years!
Tall order, no? But for you, we'll try.
Now all we ask for is your tolerance and much patience!
Thank you! (^ - ^)y
Warm regards & XOXO,
The Club Blog-person a.k.a Overworked & Underpaid Lost-in-Tech-Space Hobbit.